Olio di colza

Crudo e raffinato 1L, 2L, 5L, 10L, 20L e Flexitank


Refined Rapeseed Oil: FFA (%)NEN-EN-ISO 660 max 0,1 Moisture (%) NEN-EN-ISO 662 max 0,05 Impurities (%) NEN-EN-ISO 663 negative Colour Lovibonnd (5¼ inch) NEN 6308 15Y, 1,5R Peroxide Valuee at loading (meq/kg) NEN-EN-ISO 3960 max 1.0 Relative density at 20oC NEN 6311 0,91 – 0,93 Iodine value (g 12/100g) NEN-EN-ISO 3961 110 – 126 The product is not allowed to contain the following pesticides: Toxaphene Maax. 0.10 mg/kg Total DDT Maxx. 0.05 mg/kg Other pesticides (individual) Max. 0.01 mg/kg PCB’s Max. 0.01 mg/kg Presence of thhe following metals is tested: Cadmium Max. 0.02 mg/kg Mercury Max. 0.05 mg/kg Copper Max. 0.05 mg/kg Arsenic Max. 0.10 mg/kg Lead Max. 0.10 mg/kg Nickel Max. 0.20 mg/kg Iron Max. 0.100 mg/kg Microbiological characteristics. The following analysees are done periodicaal: Total viable coounts <1000/gr. Salmonella neg./25gr. Lypolytic m.o. < 10/gr. Yeast< 10/gr. Mould< 10/gr. Enterobacteriaaceae max 10./gr. E-Coli< 3/gr.

  • Oli vegetali
  • Olio di colza
  • rapeseed oil

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00187 Roma - Italia


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